Free online Indiana health insurance quotes are just a click away, and will help you find quality medical coverage in minutes. Private plans are offered in all shapes and sizes and we make the process of comparing and applying much simpler. You can select a Marketplace plan, or opt out of Exchange coverage, and choose an “off-Exchange” policy. Applicants that are eligible for Medicare or Medicaid may choose different options.
The prices shown are the lowest premiums you’ll find (it’s the law!) and state of the art software constantly updates the rates and plan descriptions. It takes about 10-15 minutes to enroll during Open Enrollment. If you missed or forgot the deadline, we will show you additional options that will be easy on your budget. NOTE: The “SHOP” Exchange is available for small business owners.
We have created this website so you can easily compare the best policies and resources, and if you like, purchase coverage at direct rates. If you qualify for an Obamacare subsidy, we’ll help you calculate the amount and explain which plans are the the best options. And if you are considering Medicaid, we will help you determine eligibility so you can quickly begin to receive benefits.
Hoosier State Marketplace
By now, you have read or heard about the Indiana Health Insurance Exchange that was created in 2014. Although initially behind schedule, the Marketplace was completed and now allows us to offer healthcare plans without asking any medical questions. Your choice of plan benefits, deductibles and other flexibility features are sometimes limited (since most choices are made for you by the Department Of Health And Human Services), but new tax breaks help reduce your cost. Also, new plans have been added for 2016.
Unlike most online sites, we believe it is critical to take time to review your existing policy and carefully match the plans that provide the needed coverage at a rate you can afford. Understanding the new lingo and jargon can be challenging, even though it has been available since 2014.
But viewing prices is easy! By using the “Get Free Quotes” button at the top of the page, you can view great options and apply online for affordable coverage. Only the top-rated companies are considered when we compare multiple carriers.
We also understand that sometimes there are TOO many options! An experienced live broker can help you, if needed. Or if you prefer strictly email communication (and many consumers prefer that method), that’s OK too. We typically respond to emails within 15 minutes, and are available until midnight. Yes, we work late!
New Vs. Old Plans
There also may be particular provisions of a policy that you don’t need and shouldn’t pay for. We’ll help you find them so you can pay less and/or choose an alternative plan that better matches your family needs. For example, if it’s important to be able to utilize out-of-state physicians and hospitals, a national carrier with larger network should be utilized.
Do you need to know if your doctor is participating in your network? Do you have to travel 5 miles or 50 miles to see a specialist? These are important questions we can answer for you.
You also may have a “grandfathered” plan. These are policies issued in April 2010 (or earlier) that don’t meet many of the Affordable Care Act requirements. For example, new plans must include comprehensive benefits for pregnancy along with drug treatment coverage. However, if your company continues to renew your older policy, you are allowed to keep it, as long as you made no material changes since its issue date. Note: Many grandfathered plans are not renewed. In these situations, current compliant plans are offered.
Cost Of Coverage Is Lower Than You May Realize
Health insurance rates in Indiana are lower than most other states. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, UnitedHealthCare, and MDwise offer extremely competitive prices and a wide variety of available plans. Short-term, catastrophic, comprehensive and HSA coverage is offered by most of the companies with many deductible options. If you need treatment in nearby Ohio, Illinois, Kentucky or other regional states, there are numerous available inpatient and outpatient facilities within provide networks.
Smaller companies such as Ambetter and Physician’s Health Plan (PHP) also offer Marketplace plans. However, their plans are not available in all counties, and the network of providers may be limited when compared to the larger companies. Also, if you move, you may suddenly realize that a specialist you used in the past, is no longer be available. Or perhaps a local hospital or Urgent Care may no longer be “in-network.”
Policies are available to individuals, families, the self employed, small businesses and any person without with or without insurance. Exchange policies are not “underwritten” so medical questions would typically not have to be answered. Some exceptions are policies that are purchased outside of Open Enrollment with no special SEP exception. “Limited Benefit” (LB) policies can be purchased at any time but offer only basic benefits.
Although several of these types of “LB” plans are very reputable, we advise consumers to always be cognizant of the “too good to be true” policy along with any telemarketing-related contract from outside of the tri-state area. Many of these “high-pressure tactic” antics are easily recognized, but some are not. If you are not comfortable with the manner the policy is being offered, simply choose not to do business with the company.
Senior Plans
Persons that have reached age 65 are typically eligible for Medicare, which replaces private Obamacare coverage. Like private coverage, there is an Open Enrollment each year, although the dates are different. Indiana Medigap rates (Supplement) are usually less expensive than regular under-age-65 plans. You can also review and purchase this type of policy online, or request specific information and brochures to be sent to you via hard-copy or email.
Previously, Indiana was one of seven states chosen to test a new Medicare Advantage plan concept for 2017. CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) will allow carriers to utilize “value-based insurance design” that will help provide the greatest benefit for specific treatments at the lowest cost. Lowering Part D drug expenses and increasing cost-sharing can potentially save a significant amount of money.
Some of the conditions that will be directly targeted include diabetes, congestive heart failure, hypertension, mood swing disorders, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Student Options
Whether you’re a part-time or full-time student at a university or a technical college, your need for coverage may be a requirement for enrollment. You can choose to accept one of the plans that are offered to you, or shop for a private plan that may be less expensive.
For example, Indiana University (Bloomington) utilizes Aetna for their student medical coverage. It is a voluntary program that is offered to any person taking more than six credit hours. The cost is $2,500 per year or you can purchase coverage per semester or summer session. Dental coverage is offered for less than $300 per year.
When we shop the Marketplace for you, often there are policies that are ideal for students available at much lower rates (with subsidy included). However, since each circumstance is different, it’s important to consider all available choices.
Not all schools or colleges offer student medical coverage. And for the institutions that do, prices can greatly vary, and maximum out-of-pocket expenses may be very small $500) or quite large ($6,000). Although optional supplemental contracts are popular, and can help pay copays and coinsurance, a private Marketplace plans may still be a better option.
Applying Is Easy
When “Exchanges” were established in 2014, purchasing a policy online through us became simpler and tax credits began to reduce your premium. If your income is too high to qualify for this “free Obamacare money,” than an “off-Marketplace” policy will be the best choice. The companies that issue the policy are the same, but coverages and rates may be more appropriate for upper-income households.
Applying and buying through us is fast and saves you time and money. There are no fees to use our service and you can shop for coverage at your own pace wherever and whenever you want. Applications can be faxed, emailed or submitted electronically, often with no payment required. You may be surprised at how low premiums really are! You can talk to a real person or just handle the process alone.
The Cheapest Medical Plans In Indiana
Short-term health insurance rates are the least expensive type of coverage. Policies are approved within 24-48 hours and rates are typically 40%-75% less than a standard health care plan. Any other type of policy may take longer to approve but physicals are generally never required. You can keep your policy as long as you like and cancel any time.
Although they are not considered an Obamacare-compliant policy, they will provide badly-needed catastrophic benefits to persons with tight budgets or anyone that missed Open Enrollment. However, you can not receive a federal subsidy to help pay premiums, and you will still be subject to a 2.5% tax penalty for the months you were not compliant.
Purchasing Indiana health care coverage online is indeed a very simple process. If you’re unemployed, click here for additional information. Persons out of work have access to additional opportunities, including ACA tax credits to help purchase their medical coverage, “cost-sharing” Silver plans that reduce your deductible, and various job-search programs that are offered by the state.
Most policies are guaranteed to be approved, and whether you’re eligible for Medicaid, Medicare or Obamacare, affordable policy options are typically available. Let us do the research and shopping and you can sit back and reap the savings.
We are confident that you’ll enjoy your internet experience here. Whether you live in Indiana or elsewhere, we’ll help you secure quality coverage at the absolute lowest prices offered anywhere. Our direct pricing is a firm commitment, and only quality coverage from the highest-rated carriers is quoted.