The best free health insurance information in Indiana is available on our website. Stay updated on current rates, changes in plan benefits, Open Enrollment, reform information and legislation, the Indiana Health Marketplace/Exchange, and any other Hoosier medical news. Senior Medigap and Medicare Supplement information is also always updated. Our consumer-friendly resource never has any subscription costs or fees. Unbiased and expert healthcare information is always provided.
We assist with enrollment and applying for policies, comparing plans, and determining which carriers offer the lowest prices. If you need help with calculating the amount of your Obamacare federal tax subsidy, we simplify the process, and show you the amount of federal aid and assistance you are eligible to receive. Dependents may be able to remain on your policy until age 26, although owning their own plan may generate a larger subsidy. Trump Administration changes will provide additional plan options by 2019. Many of the new policies are expected to feature lower premiums, by customizing benefits to match your specific needs.
Senior Medical Coverage Options
The best Medigap plans in Indiana are also reviewed for seniors. A separate Open Enrollment takes place every year (beginning in October and ending in December) that differs from the Marketplace OE period for persons under age 65. Subsidies are not provided, since the ACA legislation created subsidized coverage for individuals and families not eligible for Medicare. However, Medicaid expansion allows more low-income households to obtain affordable plans.
Although supplemental coverage is not required, to avoid occasional large amounts of out-of-pocket expenses, a Medigap or Advantage plan should be considered. Parts A, B and D (prescription drug) benefits are quite comprehensive, but often the premiums of supplemental benefits are quite low, and can potentially save thousands of dollars each year. Many Advantage plans (Part C) include drug coverage, along with basic vision and dental benefits. Additional perks may also be included, depending upon the carrier.
During Open Enrollment, applicants can freely switch policies without answering any medical questions. Also, once you become eligible for Medicare and enroll in Part B, regardless of the time of the year, you are provided six months to select Supplement coverage. All standardized policies can be purchased without medical underwriting. Plan F is typically the most popular option, since it provides the highest level of benefits. A “high deductible” Plan F plan is also offered, that features substantially lower premiums, since a deductible applies to most expenses. The current deductible is $2,200.
Several of the more well-known carriers that offer Medicare Supplement insurance in Indiana include Everence, Physicians Mutual, United American, AARP/UnitedHealthcare, Anthem, Continental General, Equitable, Gerber, Humana, Medico, State Farm, and Thrivent. Issued Age, Attained Age, and Community rating are used when underwriting these plans. When selecting a plan, your health conditions, budget, and anticipated out-of-pocket expenses (including prescriptions) should be considered.
Our Advice To You
Naturally, the best advice we provide, is designed to save you money on your medical coverage. We specialize in individual and family plans from the best Indiana companies, such as Anthem Blue Cross, Humana, Ambetter, MDwise, CareSource, and UnitedHealthcare. By keeping you updated on design changes and rate decreases (and increases), you’ll pay the minimum premium required to maintain solid coverage. If a carrier reduces their rates, we’ll make sure you know. If you’re unsure about coverage on your policy or a plan you are considering, we give you accurate unbiased information that will answer your questions.
When companies no longer offer coverage in the state (such as Aetna, Cigna, Physicians Health Plan (PHP), and Medical Mutual), we recommend exactly what you should do if you are a current customer of theirs. If a carrier substantially increases their rates, we review all of your alternatives, including methods to reduce the existing cost of your present coverage. If you no longer need the type of policy you are paying for, we’ll recommend the best alternatives. If you are getting close to Medicare eligibility, we’ll help you find the best plan to safely get you there without a gap.
Our Indiana health insurance information is free since we charge no fees. That’s right! Whether you live in Indianapolis, Richmond, West Lafayette, or South Bend, it makes no difference. All of the quotes on this website are provided without any charge. If you apply for a policy, there is no cost. When you view your free quotes (at the top of the page where you request it), you pay nothing at all for the in-depth detailed analysis we provide. We also wrote a blog article on the cost of plans here.
Your Healthcare Needs May Change
We also realize, as you get older, your needs change. A policy that was perfect for you three years ago, may be outdated. Also, new plans frequently are introduced by insurers and maybe one of them might be ideal for your current circumstances. We research and study all new options for you, so information provided is always based on current prices and research. If you suddenly become eligible (or ineligible) for Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP, we review your best options.
For example, The Ambetter Balanced Care 4, CareSource Low Premium Silver, CaresOurce Bronze, and Ambetter Balanced Care 2 plans offer copays on both primary-care physician (pcp) and specialist visits without having to meet a deductible. These options are well-suited for households with several children. Conversely, when the children are no longer in the household, the Ambetter Essential Care 1 and Anthem Bronze Pathway plans may be a better fit.
Seniors are more susceptible to changes in their medical history, including prescription drugs being added or changed. Therefore, Medigap Open enrollment periods are a critical time to review existing coverage, and determine if an alternative Supplement or Advantage plan (or Part D drug prescription contract) will be more cost-efficient. Prices can also change, and new policy options may become available in your county.
Hoosier State Plan Comparisons
Comparing different plans can be very challenging. Our free assistance makes it easy to quickly determine the coverage you need, what company offers the most affordable option, and how to easily apply for the policy that will offer a solution to your needs. There is more information on this website than almost every other resource that will help you make an informed decision. And an informed decision saves you money!
Since there are so many different types of options, we have purchased the premier website quoting system in the US. When you view policy options, you not only can compare the costs of different plans, but you can limit your searches to short-term plans, HSA policies, plans from just one carrier like Anthem Blue Cross, and many other possibilities.
Our focus is on allowing you to see information quickly, understand it, utilize our help (if needed), apply for coverage and get approved! Since there are hundreds of plan options, typically, we will choose the best 5-8 policies, so you can spend less time eliminating plans that aren’t suited for your needs. If you would like an instant quote, just let us know.
Rates are electronically updated each day so we can maintain a high degree of accuracy. We realize that in order to maintain our respected leadership position, we must not only provide helpful free content, but we must also ensure that whether you are applying for medical coverage in Indiana or just visiting, your experience is positive. That’s what separates this website from all of the others.
Update From The Past:
Indiana Open Enrollment for 2016 begins on November 1 2015 and ends on January 31st 2016. If you miss this window, an SEP will be needed to receive subsidized coverage. CHIP. Medicaid and the SHOP Exchange for small employers do not have fixed Open Enrollment dates.
The non-compliance penalty in 2016 for not securing a qualified plan is the higher of 2.5% of your household income, or $695 per person and $347.50 for each child under age 18. Thus, a family of four earning $60,000 could potentially pay a tax of more than $2,000.
Senior Medicare Open Enrollment begins on October 15th, followed by the under age-65 Open Enrollment, which begins on November 1st, for the second consecutive year.
Enrollment should be easier and quicker, since when applying for coverage, a “re-direct” to is now no longer required. Previously, the back and forth process created a clunky experience for consumers, that often didn’t complete the application process.